Data Subscription Service

Data Subscription Service

Complete Sales Data Subscription

All seller-buyer interactions—emails, calls, meetings—auto-captured, refined, mapped, and scored to bring you visibility and insight like never before. It’s a complete Revenue Operating System you can leverage to analyze and improve performance.

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Accent RevOS

A complete set of
Buyer Engagement Data

Auto-captures activity data

Auto-captures all seller-buyer activity data—emails, calls, meetings—and more.

Refines, maps, and scores

Refines and maps activities to the right accounts and opportunities, then analyzes and scores from many dimensions.

Brings visibility and insights

Seller performance, opportunity health, pipeline and forecast. You get information and insights for every part of your revenue team.

Accent RevOS Highlights

Accent RevOS key capabilities

Accent data subscription service gives you a complete set of all your revenue team’s buyer engagement activity data. You get access to charts and visuals, but also all the data files processed and refined daily. Use your favorite BI Tools like Tableau, Power BI, or even Excel to analyze and draw your own insights.

Auto-captures activity data

AI algorithms scour the buyer engagement activity data—emails, calls, meetings, web visits—you name it. Reps and team members don’t have to do anything—it all happens automatically.

Enriched calculations and scores

It’s way beyond a bunch of raw activity data. The AI carefully maps activities to accounts, opportunities, and timelines. It then runs calculations and scoring to give you a fully enriched data set ready for analysis, ready for visualization, and ready for insights.

Insights in all team areas

Analyze and visualize seller performance, opportunity and pipeline health, pipeline velocity, and forecast accuracy. Get great visibility and insight into all aspects of your sales execution.

Use your favorite BI Tools

Connect to the Operating System with tools like Tableau, Power BI, or even Excel. Use the built-in dashboards and visualizations to gain insight, draw conclusions, and take action to improve performance.

Answers to critical questions

Know exactly what sellers are doing and how buyers are responding. See which opportunities are truly healthy and which pipelines are strong or weak. Know which deals to exclude from your forecast to avoid quarter-end embarrassment.


No software needed—believe it or not!

RevOS is a data subscription. No software needed. There’s no team consensus building, no project management, no adoption challenge—just great data and insights. Get going in a week or two, not months or quarters. Monthly subscription makes it a low risk, no-brainer


Start quickly—just subscribe.

We offer monthly, quarterly and annual subscriptions to make it really easy to get started. Two simple connection points to your systems and you’re up and running.