Sales Enablement Roundup: July 2018’s Best Articles
It's time for your monthly dose of sales enablement strategy and thought leadership. Check out our compilation of some of the industry's best blogs from July:
1) Can Sales Enablement Solve the Rift Between Sales and Marketing?
Written by Ben Taylor, ATD Blog
Why is it that across most enterprise-level organizations, it often seems to be sales vs. marketing? Why can’t everyone work together as a team? Perhaps the more important question is “how do we get sales and marketing to communicate?” According to content marketer Ben Taylor, the answer might lie in sales enablement.
2) Technology or Methodology? What Sales Enablement in the Digital Age Really Needs
Written by Chitra Iyer, MarTech Advisor
Nothing beats sales enablement advice delivered directly from the experts. In this article, the expert is Byron Matthews, President and CEO of Miller Heiman Group. The advice spans from how to increase low adoption rate of CRM systems to adding value earlier in the sales cycle.
3) Sales enablement tips for the channel
Written by Zvi Guterman, ITProPortal
If you’re looking to build a strong network of channel partners, this article is a good read. Check out the eight areas of focus for B2B technology companies.
4) 3 Questions to Ask About Any New Sales Tool
Written by David Downs, DestinationCRM
Your sales reps shouldn’t be the only ones asking questions. As you evaluate different sales tools, it’s important for you to ask questions. And, of course, make sure you are asking the right questions. In this article, B2B sales veteran David Downs walks through three vital questions for the sales tool purchasing process.
5) Is Your Sales Team Sabotaging a Well-Planned Customer Experience?
Written by Julie Thomas, Customer Think
Providing a delightful customer experience across every stage of the buyer’s journey is more than just hard, it’s downright difficult. Getting every department on the same page about messaging, branding, approaches and customer expectations is a definite challenge. In this article, Julie Thomas helps to unravel the situation and offer some great solutions.
Did we miss any great sales enablement articles for the month of July? Let us know in the comments!