8 Memes On How Sales Reps Feel About CRM Data Entry

CRM data entry sucks. We all know it. However, sometimes it can be hard to convey how you really feel about CRM. What better way to show your colleagues and sales managers how difficult CRM can be than by using memes?
Check out the memes below, and share the ones you think perfectly describe how you feel about CRM:

When you spend more time entering data into CRM than you actually do selling.

Turns out using CRM all the time doesn't result in 100% close rates...

Salesforce. Enough said.

Seriously: Who thought this was a good idea?

— Every sales manager ever

No bonuses unless you keep CRM updated!

Did you know that CRM data automation exists? It captures information without any sales rep involvement.

When management is behind the times on the latest sales enablement technology.
Did we miss a great meme? Let us know in the comments!