Sales Enablement Roundup: October 2017’s Best Articles


Sales Enablement Roundup: October 2017’s Best Articles

We’ve scoured the internet over the past month and put together the articles and blog posts on sales enablement you definitely will want to read:

1) The No. 1 Thing To Know Before Making An Investment In Sales Technology

Written by Christopher Kingman, Forbes

The advantages of using technology in the sales process are well researched, but it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that loading up on sales tools will solve all your problems. However, before you invest in the next hot new tool, Christopher Kingman urges you to ask yourself a question: can your sellers sell? In this article, he provides two ways to assess reps in order to identify whether the best move forward is more technology or more training.

2) Adobe's Answer To The Looming Data Scientist Shortage: The Adobe Analytics Challenge

Written by Grace Donnelly, Fortune

As big data analytics becomes more commonplace in the B2B sales process, more and more enterprise organizations are hiring data scientists to facilitate the best use of that technology. There’s just one problem: data scientists are hard to come by these days. Fortunately, Adobe is looking out for the industry! Their 12th Adobe Analytics Challenge has recently launched – it’s a competition for students that rewards the use of data analytics to solve challenges.

3) The Psychology of CRM User Adoption – and Why It Matters to Customers 

Written by Erik Tavenner, Customer Think

Struggling to get your reps to adopt CRM? You’re not alone. Normally, we think of this as an operational issue that causes lack of visibility and inefficiency in the sales team. But Erick Tavenner points out another key party that suffers when reps don’t adopt CRM: your customers. Read his thoughts behind why CRM is essential for a great customer experience.

4) The Science Behind Video’s Sales Superpowers

Written by Evan Ebert, Hubspot Sales Blog

Here at Accent, we’re suckers for a scientifically sound, data-driven approach to sales. Thankfully, Evan Ebert over at Hubspot has scratched that itch for us this month, providing an excellent article on the science behind why video works so well in the B2B sales process. Read over it and then ask yourself if there are more ways your sales team could be leveraging video to win deals.

5) 5 Mistakes Sabotaging Your Content-Marketing Success

Written by Sam Oh, Entrepreneur

Content marketing can be a powerful tool for bringing in new customers, but there’s a very clear difference between “blogging every month” and successfully implementing a content marketing strategy. In this article, Sam Oh points out five common mistakes that businesses make when attempting content marketing. From automation to A/B testing, these strategies are a must-have in today’s marketing landscape.

Did we miss any great sales enablement articles for the month of October? Let us know in the comments!

By Accent Technologies

31st October 2017