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Start Loving Those Sales Quotas: Make A PACT With Your Sales Team

The sales quota. It’s a powerful and often devilish number, sending shockwaves of frenzy and fear across the sales camp. This quantitative incentive does come from a positive place – intended to motivate sales reps, propel performance and keep that revenue line trending up – but the negative vibes it ignites often get in the way.

This is because most sales teams are flailing in the wrong directions: They’re working hard, but not smart.

Inside Sales Productivity & Performance Metrics Report (The Bridge Group, Inc.):

Since 2007, sales quotas have risen nearly 33% – but the percentage of sales reps making those quotas has fallen by 25%

How do you fix a broken sales team and turn sales quotas into the supportive stimulants they should be? Make a pact with your team to improve four critical areas:


PACT: The Malfunctions

Most teams face the following challenges when striving to meet sales quotas:

Presentations aren’t pulling their weight.

Access isn’t up to par.

Communication could use some work.

Technology needs a serious facelift, STAT.

PACT: The Renovations

Overhaul your sales process and start loving those sales quotas with the following tweaks:

Presentations get powerful.

Access makes things easy.

Communication keeps buyers happy.

Technology makes it all possible.

… And that’s when you start loving those sales quotas.

Want to show your sales quotas some love? We’ll show you how with the right sales and marketing technology. Get those sales numbers trending up and your sales reps breathing easy.