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The Sales Portal: Your Portal To Sales Enablement

Customer relationship management (CRM) is not new to the sales arena. The successful sales team has long been leveraging CRM platforms to capture, store and transmit data about deals in progress. But what isn’t so widely recognized is the fuel that these CRM tools, and the sales portal in particular, inject into your team’s momentum for more dynamic, more sustainable and more powerful B2B sales enablement.

The Best-In-Class give email the pass.
Still relying on email to communicate with prospective buyers and customers? If you want to be Best-In-Class, that has to stop. It’s time to start leveraging the full scope of sales portal potential and its rich media capabilities to put your reps on the fast track to sales enablement.

Sales portal vs. email? No comparison.

Open the portal to sales enablement.

Ready for the takeaway? It’s simple, really. A sales portal is your one-stop shop for game-changing sales enablement.

  1. A sales portal helps you improve, giving your reps all the information they need to refine the sales process.
  2. A sales portal directs your efforts, tracking important activity and analytics to better inform your team’s decisions on what content to send out and which prospects to go after.
  3. A sales portal personalizes the buyer experience with audio messages and other forms of interactive messaging, setting you apart from less-engaging competition.
  4. A sales portal is fully mobile, allowing each rep to upload and view anything on the go.
  5. A sales portal is completely customizable, giving you full control to segment content however you want – whether by buyer persona, buying stage, content topic, content type or all of the above.

Give your sales asset management platform a performance boost with Accent Technologies. Fill out the form below to get the conversation started about empowering your sales team with a sales portal perfected for sales enablement.