Engaging Marketing Content: Comfort, Compel And Challenge
Forrester Research states that 72% of businesses buy from vendors who effectively answer those three golden ticket questions.
Quench the questions with compelling content.
By addressing those three WHYs during the sales process, you not only land more sales with more efficiency, but you also flip on the switch for sustainable sales enablement: that golden ticket that turns prospects into long-term clients and customers.
Engaging content starts by building a bridge of awareness between the prospect and your company, promoting knowledge of and affinity for your business. It then fortifies the relationship by showcasing your credibility as an industry thought leader and your trustworthiness as a vendor. Throughout the sales enablement process, this dialogue is actively cultivating the prospect’s comfort level and confidence in doing business with you.
Be a source of comfort, but don’t be bland.
Your first goal is to cultivate the comfort your prospects have in your company. The most successful members of your sales team are very aware that people don’t do business when they don’t feel comfortable. However, promoting comfort does not mean being bland or safe.
Once you’ve established your credibility and trustworthiness with unbiased, third-party research, used to develop informative case studies and educational content to help them along the decision-making process, it’s time to challenge the buyer. Make them think differently about addressing their pains and problems. Encourage them to shift their perspectives or reevaluate expectations, all while spotlighting your company as the golden ticket to assuage their pains.
Challenge the prospect, but don’t scare them off.
Compelling content must be unique (not easily found with a simple Google search) and compelling (lots of credible, eye-opening information) enough to spark interest and ignite a fruitful dialogue, but not so unsettling that it disharmonizes your company with a prospect’s already established buying patterns.
When you get the right content to the right prospects at the right time, your sales cycles shorten and your sales opportunities flourish. Fill out the form below to start strategizing and optimizing your marketing content with Accent Technologies.