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Sales And Marketing Too Sterile? Put The Person Back Into The Buyer

In the golden heyday of advertising, art and emotion called the shots. Then the digital wave of internet and informatics rolled in, and now sales and marketing are more scientific than ever: whitewashed in analytics and hightailing it on the sea of precision.

Don’t get us wrong: Numbers are absolutely crucial to tracking marketing ROI and sustaining sales success. But you’ve got to stop letting them dictate your every move. You have to put the person back into your B2B buyer.

Seth Godin tells us that connection is a scarcity in today’s digital economy. And he’s right. There’s an onslaught of information, but a lack of authenticity. That’s why you need to reset the scales and really get to know the person behind those sterile sales analytics: the person keeping your business alive.

This is your buyer. Say hello.

Lift your head up from the numbers for a second (you can get back to laser-focus analytics later) and really see the B2B buyer. You may not recognize him. He’s different than he used to be.

Your sales success undoubtedly depends on the emotional and educational connections your sales reps and your marketing content make with your buyers.

Improve your reps’ connection to your buyers.

Help your reps be cognizant of new B2B buyer behavior so they’re able to connect with the authenticity of true sales enablement. 

That number-crunching is crucial to getting results and tracking results. But you mustn’t lose sight of the person behind the numbers: the person visiting your website, downloading your content and buying your products and services.

“Economies are always based on scarcity (hence the term ‘economize’)." There is no market for humming, for example, because everyone has unlimited humming at their disposal at all times. So, in the abundant digital world, what's scarce? Where is the economy? It's in connection. Who trusts you? Who wants to hear from you? Who will collaborate and support and engage with you? These are things that don't scale to infinity. These are precious resources.

In the connection economy, we reward art and innovation and things worth talking about. We seek out transparency and generosity and the long-term. Sure, there are still people who will profit in the short-run by burning the assets they've got, but as we get ever more connected, that's just not going to scale.

Connection and leadership and trust are going to get ever more valuable. Sure, go ahead and shake your head in agreement, but when you get back to work, are you busy working in the scarce universe or trying to build a place for yourself in the new one?”

Seth Godin, “Scarcity And Abundance In The Digital Age”

The takeaway: Don’t let your sales team be limited by a scarcity of authentic connection with your buyers.

Fill out the form below to see how the right sales and marketing technology cultivates that critical connection between your reps and your buyers. It’s time to put the person back into the buyer persona with sales enablement tools.